
Great team and great work! They had some custom embroidered shirts made for my business very quickly...
- Reno Tahoe Inspections

I have recommended Jeannette and her company Reno Tahoe Promotions to clients of mine and she and her team have offered creative solutions and promotional products.
- Reno NV • Business Consultant

Jeannette and her team respond quickly and work hard to help you find exactly what you need to promote your business.
- Patricia L Johnson, Attorney At Law

The magnets are PERFECT!! You and your team crushed it for me!!! I am looking forward to getting the others since my crew is fighting over who gets these!!! Thanks again for making this happen for us, I really appreciate your drive in following up w/me while I am busy taking care of my business.
- Positive Electric

The staff is not only attentive, but so much fun! Business should be pleasant and when you work with equipped people that enjoy what they do, it makes the experience over the Top! Gotta check this company out.

Jeanette is right on it. Immediate response!!! Tons of options.
- Big Water Ci

They (applique jackets) look AMAZING!!! Thank You! Please tell your crew that I love them! Thanx again for all you help with this awesome gift for our Mountain Forge crew!!! Your customer service is outstanding! It's so refreshing to work with a business who genuinely cares about ours.
- Mountain Forge, Inc.

I love the personal attention Jeanette gives to each project.

I just wore my new jacket out to Burger Me and the first person I met asked me if “I was The Savvy Dog” because they’d been meaning to call me! Cool….
- Savvy Dog

A Sweat Deal made it all so easy! Your input helped us chose items and colors that have the whole school talking about how “cool” our spiritwear is. Thank you for making the process smooth and for going the extra step. Thank you!
- Glenshire PTO

I have used them many times and they always do great work and on time as they promised. I highly recommend them.